Pedro Ceinos Arcones (author)

An independent reasearcher and writer with a focus in Chinese culture, Chinese characters and ethnic cultures.

Pedro ceinos arcones

Since 1990 when my first book (Minorias étnicas - Ethnic Minorities) was published I have writen more than 20 books related to China.

Specially popular in Spain are my books about Chinese characters, with more than 18.000 copies sold until now (end 2018), my Short History of China, my books about gender issues in China (Matriarchy in China and Legends of the Goddess Mother), and some travel books.

Most of my books have been published in Spanish, but some of them are now in English also, as Chinese characters, an easy learning based in their etymology and evolution, Hanzi for HSK 1-3, China last but one matriarchy, and Sons of Heaven, brothers of Nature: The Naxi of Southwest China.

User links: Website


Unas 600 escenas que describen la historia de las relaciones entre los indios y los europeos en América.
Un estudio revolucionario sobre el matriarcado entre los pueblos de China.
Una visión completa del complejo simbolismo del tigre en China
Completa guía de viaje de China.
A method for easy learning Chinese characters
Una historia de China cuyo objetivo es hacer que el lector entienda como unos procesos históricos van llevando a otros.
Un estudio sobre los aspectos más importantes de la mitología y simbolismo canino
Una serie de mitos y leyendas de las minorías de China en las que los protagonistas son diosas o deidades femeninas.
Uno de los mejores libros de viajes en China
An introduction to the history, culture and society of the Naxi people
