The Hunter & the Heiress by Claire Delacroix

A Medieval Romance

Amaury rescues a beguiling damsel in distress, only to lose his heart forever

The hunter & the heiress

Nothing could be further from Amaury de Vries’ expectations than joining his half-brother’s company of mercenaries in the wilds of Scotland. A knight and a champion at the joust, he expected to inherit a holding—until the man he has known as his father revealed a terrible truth and disavowed him. Left with nothing, Amaury rides to Kilderrick, where he loses his heart to a beautiful noblewoman in the forest. A practical man, he knows he has no right to court the lady, but when she is abducted, Amaury follows, determined to fulfill his knightly duty by aiding a damsel in distress.

Elizabeth d’Acron has been a pawn and a prize, pursued for her father’s wealthy holding, and wants only to be desired for herself. Seized again, she vows she will surrender to no man—even the handsome knight who comes to her rescue. And truly, there could be no one more vexing than this confident yet inscrutable man, so concerned with duty that he could be wrought of stone—but Elizabeth soon learns that she can trust Amaury to defend her at any cost. She does not expect the seductive fire awakened by his touch, much less his conquest of her wary heart—but has she fallen in love with a man whose affections are already claimed?

Snared between duty and passion, Amaury finds himself beguiled by the lady who challenges his every expectation, but knows he has little to offer her. But when Elizabeth is threatened by a former suitor who will not be refused, Amaury risks his all in her defense, hoping it will be enough. But can he intervene in time? And will love alone convince Elizabeth to place her hand in his for all time?

Genre: FICTION / Romance / Historical / Medieval

Secondary Genre: FICTION / Romance / Historical / Scottish

Language: English

Keywords: runaway bride, stolen bride, protector, knight, marriage of convenience, love unexpected, forbidden love, hidden heiress

Word Count: 111,000

Sales info:

This is the second book in my Blood Brother series. The books have to be read in order, so please offer for The Wolf & the Witch first.

Sample text:

Captive, again.

It was thoroughly vexing.

To Elizabeth’s thinking, she had endured more than her share of men and their earthly demands. If this grim pair of warriors, who had seized her from Kilderrick against her will, believed that she would cede readily to any demands, she would compel them to reconsider the matter. She would take a lesson from Alys Armstrong, who had granted her shelter for the better part of a year, and surrender only what she wished to give.

These two would have nothing, even if the price of defiance was her life.


Elizabeth ached from head to toe; she was soaked to the skin, chilled to her marrow, hungry and uncomfortable. Only anger—and the inspiration of Alys—kept her from yielding to the temptation of closing her eyes and never opening them again. Once, she would have ceased to fight, but no longer.

Not long ago, she had been weak, but Alys had fought back and earned an enviable love, as well as a devoted husband. That was more than sufficient inspiration to make a change.

Fortune’s smile, it was clear, had to be earned.

It had been almost a year since Elizabeth had fled Beaupoint, her beloved childhood home. Upon her father’s death, her uncle had claimed the holding and Elizabeth’s fate had changed. Uncle James had made an agreement for Elizabeth to be wed to Calum Moffatt—against her own desires. Her uncle refused to break the agreement despite her protest, so Elizabeth had fled Beaupoint. She had thought to make a protest, to take refuge in the next town, but she had erred. Elizabeth had been seized by reivers, and ultimately saved by Alys, only to live in the forest without comforts. Now, she was seized again, but no longer meek or accepting of her fate.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Paola Sambruna and Alessandra Elisa Paganin
Already translated. Translated by Evelyn T M Martins
Translation in progress. Translated by Eva María Medina Cabanelas and Adelina Garrido Mendoza

Would you like to translate this book? Make an offer to the Rights Holder!
