Albireo Svyatoslav (author)

Writer. Socialist. Psychologist. Translator. Cosmopolitan. Internationalist. Esperantist. Polyglot. Friendly. Ruiner of the communicative barriers. Xenophobia-hater. Family - is not DNA. Homeland - is not geography.

Albireo svyatoslav

I wrote that way and about that, I'd like to read myself. My books and ideas have very explicit and disturbing content. So if you have any kinds of traumas, have some trembling feelings - gender, religious, psychological, sexual, triggers, patterns or can't see behind limits, protect yourself from reading my works. I write for seeking development minds. Giving you this awareness, I refuse to take any responsibility for your offences. You have all the data to protect yourself. Just do it. Or welcome. 

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Невыдуманный рассказ о том, как я с группой уличных музыкантов ездил в Мюнхен.
about teenagers without parents
Psychological prose
gay bdsm love novel about futuristic city
sci-fi story about nature of dream
What is your tribe?
stories of sience fiction about tasks of cosmopsychologist in far future
mystic story
Ей нужны деньги, чтобы решить проблему. И подруга советует обратиться к ее бывшему работодателю.
История любви шейха и викинга.
еще раз про Морозко
квантовый детектив, научная фантастика, далекое будущее.
