The Syrian Crisis: Past,Present and Future by Shahid Hussain Raja, Omar Hayat Raja

2nd Edition

Historical background of the present Syrian crises,its present and future scenarios

The syrian crisis: past,present and future

Explains the nature and origins of present Syrian crises in the wider backdrop of the geopolitical and other faultlines of the Middle East..It then enumerates the stakes of the various global and regional powers and how they are reacting to the rapidly evolving situation.Ends with possible outcomes and suggests the best way forward.

Genre: EDUCATION / General

Secondary Genre: POLITICAL SCIENCE / General

Language: English

Keywords: Syria, American interests in Syria, Russian interests in Syria, Chinese interests in Syria, Iranian interests in Syria, Israeli interests in Syria

Word Count: 30,000

Sales info:

Recent publication;not much sale

Sample text:

What is happening in Syria is a snapshot of what is happening in the Middle East as a whole which due to certain historical legacies, its geo strategic location, abundant resources and regional/global power politics has been in turmoil for the last half a century or so. These crises have been aggravated by the onslaught of Arab Spring, Iranian ambitions for nuclear parity with Israel and resource scramble. In the wider backdrop of rapidly shifting regional alignments, there are several conflicts, crises and wars going on in the Middle East with deep rooted causes having serious implications for regional stability and global security

This short book capsule starts with explaining the background of the overall crises engulfing the Middle East, their historical roots, various dimensions and the types of conflicts and wars going on in the region. Chapter three explains the brief socioeconomic and political profile of Syria without understanding which we cannot appreciate the ground realties and historical context of the present Syrian crises. Chapter four traces the origins of the present crises while chapter five sheds light on the respective interests of the three global powers namely United States of America, China and Russia in the region in general and in these crises in particular. Chapter six lists the respective interests of the regional powers namely Saudi Arabia, Iran, Turkey, and Israel as well as those of the non-state actors. Chapter seven describes the present situation of the crises while the last chapter tries to build three scenarios, their likelihood, and ends with a set of suggestions to ensure a long lasting peace in the region.



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The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Mohamed Zaim
Author review:
Mohammed Zaim has translated my book The Syrian Crisis: Past, Present and Future into Dutch and I am glad that I chose him for this task.Very passionate and professional, he has done a marvellous job and that too within the time set for this assignment.
Already translated. Translated by Sophie Rifaut
Author review:
Sophie Rifaut translated my ebook "The Syrian Crisis: Past, Present, & Future" into French. It is really a faithful translation of the original and executed well within the timelines agreed. Grateful. Regards. Shahid
Already translated. Translated by John Wannecke
Translation in progress. Translated by Luca Tinnirello
Already translated. Translated by Gabriel Ribeiro
Author review:
Gabriel Ribeiro has translated my book The Syrian Crisis: Past ,Present and Future into Portuguese and I am glad that I chose him for this task.Very passionate and professional, he has done a marvellous job and that too within the time set for this assignment.
Already translated. Translated by Consuelo Cardozo
Author review:
Consuelo Cardozo accepted my request to translate my book The Syrian Crises: Past,Present and Future into Spanish.I am happy to state that she made a very faithful translation of the book keeping the tone and tenor of the original in the translation. And she did it within the timeframe agreed.Thanks
Already translated. Translated by Helén Hedlund
Author review:
Helen Hedlind has translated my third e-book, namely The Syrian Crisis, into Swedish. This time also, she has been very meticulous in ensuring that the translated version is as close as possible to the original. And she completed the assignment within the time frame agreed upon.

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