The Seventh Sense by Guy Lozier

Learn to consciously co-create your reality...

The seventh sense

Learn to consciously co-create your reality. Learn to use special tools to change your life, to live your life creating pleasurable and harmonious events. Learn to create your seventh sense bypassing the normal interface which limits your consciousness.

Definitely one of the most powerful books on the planet. 

Learn to consciously co-create your reality. Learn to use special tools to change your life, to live your life creating pleasurable and harmonious events. Learn to create your seventh sense bypassing the normal interface which limits your consciousness.

Definitely one of the most powerful books on the planet. 

A true story which opens the eyes of the reader to powerful secret knowledge. Sharing tools which allow individuals to change reality as it approaches from the future to create more pleasant and harmonious events so that each can live a more pleasurable life in the now.

"The knowledge released in this book is designed to empower the individual to develop the 7th sense. Don't read this book if you don't want to see behind reality. Everything will change after reading this book if you follow the instructions carefully. It is inevitable. No one comes out the other side unscathed. That is how powerful this book is."

Genre: SELF-HELP / Personal Growth / General

Secondary Genre: SELF-HELP / Spiritual

Language: English

Keywords: anunnaki, aliens, gods, seventh sense, sixth sense, hidden knowledge, secret knowledge, hidden history, secret history

Word Count: 16917

Sales info:

We are preparing to begin shooting the movie 'The Seventh Sense' in September, 2018.  Here is a link to the article about the production.


This book continues to sell itself.  The cover and subject matter make it nearly irresistable to those that cross its path.  While I have not marketed it hardly in the slightest, it continues to sell a few books here and there all on its own.  When I set up to do book signings, it will be one of the top sellers among all my books as I currently have over a dozen published books with several publishing houses.  This book I have published myself and under my own publshing company Seventh Sense Publishing with Amazon and recently I have listed it with Ingramspark.  Also I did purchase the marketing package with Ingramspark so that should kick in over the next four to six months.

Sample text:

Now you should begin to understand the complexity of the situation. Yet we have not even scratched the surface as there are near infinite aspects which could be touched upon. So here is where we will turn to simplicity. Without simplicity, the individual would be required to spend an endless amount of time just learning the basics. With this in mind we ask you to trust us by applying the beginning steps of alignment. It is these beginning steps, when applied correctly, will begin the major shifts and changes of the individual which lead to greater things, namely their very own potential. Just know this one simple thing, what one has experienced, all can experience. That means that any ability displayed by a human on this planet at any time in history, you too can display. That is your potential and much more.

Yet to display one’s potential, all things must be in place. If we look to the ceiling at the light fixture understanding that if all things are not in place, that light bulb will never shine light into the room. If the switch is not placed on the wall, the wires running up to the light fixture, the light fixture itself, a light bulb placed in the fixture and then power hooked to the switch on the wall, without all these things, that light will never shine into the room. So it is with the potential of each individual.
So our task is to empower the individual to find their very own potential. By aligning and beginning to perform in specific ways in the daily life, the individual will be building the system that begins to shine their light into the room.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Translation in progress.
Already translated. Translated by Jessyka Roy
Already translated. Translated by Sayaka Yamada
Already translated. Translated by Jean Pierre Barakat
Already translated. Translated by Alexia Polasky

Would you like to translate this book? Make an offer to the Rights Holder!
