Josiane Fortin (author)

Hi! I am an author from Québec, Canada. I write novels in French. I like sci fi and fantasy.

Josiane fortin

I have written 6 novels and 4 nonfiction. I write in French and would love to see my work translated into other languages.

Even though I do speak English, I am not confident enough to translate my own work. I speak Spanish too.

Inclusivity is important to me so getting my work translated ensure that more people can have access to it.

User links: Website Facebook LinkedIn Amazon Goodreads


This short book contains 587 positive affirmations for women
Le premier tome de la série Devenir humain
Learn how to combine activities to achieve double the result in the same amount of time.
Le troisième tome de la série Devenir humain
Le deuxième tome de la série Devenir humain
A step by step guide to effectively create your personal annual plan
