I am an Italian writer, born in Milan (class of 1997) and raised in New Zealand. Since childhood, I have always dabbled in writing stories: I still remember the first one included in an essay in fifth grade (then typed by a friend after the "success" I had among classmates and teachers!). I've published short stories in both print and electronic magazines. I also won a couple of contests and came in second in a few more. For some years, due to work commitments and various moves around the world, I was forced to put my dream of writing on the back burner. Finally, a couple of years ago I managed to get organized and start again. Now, I'm working on a collection of noir stories, but I already have my next quest in mind: the first novel. Noir? Probably.
Title | Info |
Racconto breve con al centro l'insonnia.
Racconto breve noir con al centro la paura senza nome.
Racconto breve noir ambientato in Nuova Zelanda.
Racconto breve noir che narra di un'antica maledizione.
Racconto breve noir: ordinaria follia quotidiana che discende in una spirale con un esito finale aperto.