International Relations: Basic Concepts & Global Issues/2nd Edition by Shahid Hussain Raja

A Handbook

46 Longform essays on diverse global issues

International relations: basic concepts & global issues/2nd edition

This is a collection of  46 longform essays on diverse global issues written for those who are keen to know what are the big issues and ideas shaping the global politics but do not have the time to search the internet for their comprehensive understanding.

Ranging from globalisation and Syrian crises on the one hand and Clash of Civilisation and End of History on the other, these essays cover topics about which almost everyone has rudimentary knowledge but is unable to explain it. For example, terrorism, privatisation, corruption, agrarian reforms etc are few of the topics which everyone talks about but will not be able to discuss them systematically. We have tried to provide enough material in these essays for him/her to do that

It is for anyone who is keen to learn about global issues in proper perspective. Result of exhaustive research, these essays present in layman’s language the basics of each issue and discard the trivial. “What is new in this book?”. Well, two things only- ease of understanding the complex global issues and easy to remember the main points for answering the questions in the examination or during any discussion. Although no claim of originality of material; however, you will notice our contributions to the literature on various issues discussed

Genre: STUDY AIDS / General

Secondary Genre: POLITICAL SCIENCE / Security (National & International)

Language: English

Keywords: International Relations, Global Affairs, International Affairs, Global Politics, Clash of Civilisations, End of History, Globalisation, Middle East, USA, Russia

Word Count: 1,25,000

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This book contains 46 long form essays, each dealing with one of the contemporary global issues in various fields. Abstracts of the all the 20 essays are as per following

Chapter 2- Globalization-Compressing Time & Space: Globalization is a multifaceted phenomenon that represents the increasing integration of economics, communications, and culture across national boundaries. Much talked about but a contested concept; there is no consensus on its context, causation, direction, and impact. This essay examines this complex issue from different perspectives-history, challenges it poses and how to respond to them. In this process, I have divided the history of globalization in five phases taking five crucial inventions of mankind as the essence of that age as well as the driving force of globalisation namely fire, wheel, printing, steam and internet respectively. You can use this framework for studying the global history.

Chapter 3 to 6-World Shaping Ideas: Next four essays are about the ideas which have been the centre of controversy for decades. In every epoch of history there are one or more visionary intellectuals who become instrumental, with their theories about the future, in shaping the perceptions of the opinion makers in the dominant world powers. Actions taken by these world leaders shape the course of history. In modern times, there are several names but we have selected four which to our mind have played larger than life role in this respect. They are George F. Kennan, Francis Fukuyama, Samuel P Huntington and Robert D. Kaplan. These four essays summarise the contents of the articles they wrote and how they influenced the world politics. Each essay ends with its respective critique.

Chapter 7- Global Terrorism-Challenges and Response: Terrorism is not only a historical phenomenon, it is also a universal one; very few countries can claim not to have been affected by this menace.

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Already translated. Translated by Mohamed Zaim
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Mohammed Zaim translated my e-book "International Relations: Basic Concepts & Global Issues" into Dutch. It is a faithful translation of the original, executed within the timeframe agreed upon. He kept on informing me about the progress being made in translation.
Already translated. Translated by Sourou Abdel-Aziz Ali Orou
Author review:
Sourou Abdel-Aziz Ali Orou very kindly accepted my offer to translate my book 20 Global Issues: A handbook into French. It was a very faithful translation and most importantly, he kept the timelines !
Already translated. Translated by John Wannecke
Already translated. Translated by A. L.
Translation in progress. Translated by andre diogo weber
Already translated. Translated by Carlos Espinoza

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