What happens when you fall in love with your best friend? What if that best friend is a GHOST?
Stacey is your normal teenager, living with the 'normal' teenage angst moments. She just happens to have a friend who is a ghost. This takes her on a journey, while it would have been normal for most people, it is guided by her friend Renata who just happens to be dead. As the years go by and Stacey experiences life she finds that love eludes her until she realizes it has been there all along. What do you do when the love of your life turns out to be a GHOST?
Genre: FICTION / GhostModerately sold well
The first time Stacey saw her it was out of the corner of her eye. It was one of those moments when you think you have seen something, but aren’t sure. Your hair maybe falls forward and moves into your line of sight but when you really look there is nothing to see.
The second time she saw her, she was a little more defined. The moment wasn’t a second as before but she could have counted a full five seconds before she disappeared.
Stacey didn’t think she was going crazy, she knew she already was, deep down. Actually, all her life she had been able to sense people. Whether they were there or not wasn’t the point. Stacey knew. It was her sixth sense. Other people might joke about it, call themselves crazy but Stacey knew. She had been visited many times as she grew up. The fears of a monster under a child’s bed were nothing in comparison to the fears of someone visiting you who wasn’t alive, who didn’t have flesh and blood. As she grew up and realized the enormity of her ‘gift’ she began to study about the subject to understand it better and to perhaps lessen her fear. She realized then that there were a lot of crazies in this world and many of them spouted things they had no business sharing. Many of them had no real clue about the hereafter or about visits from beyond. The enormity of what she experienced from time to time sank in during her late teens. When everyone else was worrying about boys, school, and a million other little things of teenaged angst, Stacey was dealing with the fact that she was some sort of conduit to supernatural beings.
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Already translated.
Translated by Chloé CARDOSO
Already translated.
Translated by Aline Meier
Author review: Easy communication and the translator made sure to correct her mistakes. Very much appreciated the hard work. |
Unavailable for translation.
Already translated.
Translated by Kathiúcya Mendes
Already translated.
Translated by Yanina Medina