Sondra Hicks (author)

Sondra Hicks
I dedicate my life to my family, being an advocate then writing

Sondra hicks

My name is Sondra Hicks and I am in my 30s. I am a mother of 4 wonderful children. I am an Independent Author of The Edge of Night Trilogy (Vampires), The Kloe & Gavin Adventures (Vampires, Werewolves and other Creatures) which I love to write. Most would find me inviting, happy, and social. I love to make people smile and even laugh.
I am dabbling in different genres of writing such as Fantasy, Paranormal Thrillers, Fiction, Jokes, Poetry and soon Sci-fi. Honestly, I don't limit myself to one category of writing because I love to branch out and poke my toes in the water of other genres. I hope others enjoy my books as much as I did writing them.  I currently have a cat named Wil.e
I am currently living in Olympia, Washington

User links: Website Facebook Twitter Amazon Goodreads


Poetry of love, family, hate, depression, grief, sex and death
poetry about love, loss, joy and more
Jessica must find her way in her new world with her new gifts and rules
Humor from light to outrageous. Lil Johnnt to yo mommy to blond jokes then insults to comebacks. It has it all
life is funny is about jokes, comesback, one liners, insults. Everything you need to relax and laugh
a collection of heartfelt real life poetry
