Mimi Tallo (author)

My memoir about surviving sexual and physical abuse, cancer and other obstacles in my life.

Mimi tallo

"Raised by Wolves Trapped by Demons" is my first book. It has 5 star reviews on Amazon and GoodReads.com/ I have a website @www.mimitallo.net. . Also a Vella series called "Resilence and Resolve". I am on Substacks and Spaces. The audiobook will be coming out soon. My Bio:
The Author Marie (Mimi) Tallo Brier Marie was born in Scranton, PA in 1948. She grew up on the South Side of town. She has worked since she was a young girl as a cocktail waitress, bartender, medical assistant,insurance-underwriter, business owner and a counselor for the disabled. She graduated from University of Scranton with a BS in Health and Human Services. Marie was a Living Skills Facilitator working with the disabled and teaching life skills to adults with TBI (traumatic brain injuries) and Cerebral Palsy. After retiring, she served as the Women’s Liaison in the Lackawanna County Drug Court. She acted as Co-Ordinator for Unity of the Palm Beaches prayer chaplains. Marie is co-founder of "Circle of Friends", a group of volunteers helping the elderly in her community. She is currently working on her next book, "Pentimento, Uncovering my Irish Ancestry."

Format : Paperback | Verified Purchase

This book is an amazing tale of one woman’s journey through numerous obstacles. The author clearly was blessed with an overabundance of grit, because most people wouldn’t have been able to make it through her life, let alone to write a novel about it. Some of the information in the book is very heavy and I would have to walk away from it for a day or two. This isn’t a ‘light read.’ I look forward to her next book.

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Surviving abuse, addiction, and continuing on a spiritual journery
Surviving abuse, addiction, and continuing on a spiritual journery
This book is an amazing tale of one woman’s journey through numerous obstacles.
Irish heritage
Surviving abuse and addiction
