Gabriella Regina (author)

Writing for life

Gabriella regina

Gabriella Regina is an author who does not want to use the real name not to be compared with a country music celebrity. You virginiana - which accounts for 80% of his crazy personality - love video games, tattoos, kinder chocolate, kittens, cheese fries, Foo Fighters, Matanza, bad music sofrência and books. Live in a polygamous relationship with Dave Grohl and Stacker (without sauce) Burger King if he could, but for now is content to be the crazy cats. Write more for fun than obligation, but looks forward to the day when you can live only of his books. Her parents say that dreaming costs nothing.

User links: Website Facebook


Em uma noite de dia dos namorados, Niels resolve reconquistar sua ex-namorada com a ajuda de uma garota que conheceu em uma festa.
Uma história sobre amor, amizade e stalking.
Emmeline was just a child when his uncle harassed for the first time.
Quando Jimmy encontra uma oportunidade de fugir da ilha, ele resolve levar Roslin consigo... Mas os planos dão errado.
