D.S. Pais (author)

D.s. pais

D.S.Pais is an internationally acclaimed best-selling author. She is a born-dreamer, imagines a lot, and has been writing since young. She is a creative person who previously worked as an actress in student films and TV series until she discovered that her passion was in writing. She writes short stories, novellas, novels, poetry, and self-help books, as she cannot put her thoughts anywhere else. When she is not working on a book, she enjoys reading books, watches movies, loves traveling, and routinely works out (Pilates) or other exercises. D.S.Pais works on several book titles and projects in a year and is very passionate about storytelling via words. Many of her titles have appeared among the top 100 Amazon Best Sellers in their section.


Ruby has to confront her worst fears when she gets a distant phone call.
When strange things keep happening around her, she resolves to put an end to all her apprehensions.
Would they ever find the third person?
Just a Little Bit – Volume 10 is a collection of poetry, a romantic letter, and two manifestation techniques.
Just a Little Bit – Volume 9 contains three non –fictional stories and a poem.
A Twist in a taste of destiny.
A serial killer is at bay he is psychotic and is collecting slaves for his kingdom in paradise.
This is a collection of fictitious love poems.
In the peaceful, town of Nashville, Tennessee, confusion creeps in and the town becomes famous for all the terror generated by the compounding letters that disturb the sentiments of the locals residing in the town.
n this book, I have taken into account the life journey of great women who have made an impact on the world and changed it for the better.
The mermaid Princess Meribella leaves no stone unturned when the life of her brother Blue is in danger, while the arch-enemy Magus has made plans to rule over the kingdom of Terem and make her his queen.
The recipes given in the book are a merge between the Asian and the Western Worlds.
In the end, the pieces of the puzzle fell into place, revealing a truth that shattered illusions, tested friendship, and forever changed their lives.
Two boys mysteriously disappear on their way to school, never to be found.
No one comes forward to claim his body, but why?
Do the words have an impact on Attila to prevent the destruction of Rome and its people or will it be the cause of war?
Will the child be ever found?
This is a real-life story. I have written down the measures that I took to lose weight.
Manifestation Techniques
Manifestation Techniques
n this book, I explain the Law of Attraction Manifestation Techniques to attract what you desire in life. I have a YouTube channel that focuses entirely on different techniques of manifestation: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3k5wx5eX2_alM0joxJxk5g?sub
Manifestation Techniques
Manifestation Techniques
In this book, I will explain the Law of Attraction Techniques along with the Inspired Actions taken to attract what you desire in life.
