I was born in Saint-Petersburg, Russia, but now I live in Germany. I used to work as a television reporter and news anchor, but I quit when journalism in Russia turned into propaganda. Since 2016, I have been writing books - historical and science fiction. I have published 15 books in Russian, and now I would like to enter the international market.
I think that a book about the First World War and the revolution in Russia may interest readers around the world, because the events of the early 20th century are very similar to what is happening in Russia now.
Also, my science fiction books present to the reader the Russian Empire of tomorrow - an open country with progressive technology and democratic values. The Emperor gets stuck in traffic jams just like his nationals, while the successor to the throne earns a living at a call center, wears jeans, and falls in love with the wrong guys.
Title | Info |
The dramatic story of the fall of Russia
Ищейки Российской империи расследуют таинственное исчезновение единорога. Чудесное животное удалось вывести команде генетиков в ходе смелого научного эксперимента.
Романовы были обычными людьми, только в коронах. Они влюблялись, мечтали, рисковали, плакали… Как и все мы.