Ahmed Sarirete (author)

I present in my various works a new "geocultural" approach to read in another way the past and the present of human civilization, as well as its perspectives in the future.

Ahmed sarirete

The geocultural approach that I present in my various works reinforces my observation that the two nations, namely the Western nation and the Muslim nation finally represent the culmination of the two main and opposite tendencies of human philosophy. As an Algerian author passionate about History, I wish to share my ideas with readers whatever their tendencies, hoping to contribute a little to making human progress reason and bringing it out of the straitjacket of blind confrontation in favor of the paths of understanding and useful dialogue.

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Cet ouvrage présente une nouvelle approche historique pour comprendre le modèle civilisationnel occidental !
Donner de nouveaux éléments de réflexion aux musulmans pour qu’ils puissent revoir leur vision du monde à la lumière de leurs défis civilisationnels à relever.
