A. C. (translator)


Professional, experienced translator

A. c.

I was born in Chile. From a very young age I was interested in foreign cultures and, therefore, foreign languages and traveling. I loved to read stories written by people from other countries and see their customs, their vision of world and their feelings through their work. My interest and skills showed from a very young age at elementary school; then in high school, where my French teacher proposed me as a candidate for a scholarship to improve my French, which unfortunately, didn’t come to fruition. Later, I enrolled in university where I acquired a Bachelor's Degree in Translation Science or, as sometimes is called, Traductology. During my years of study I was taught, among other disciplines, American and English Literature and, consequently, had literary translation workshops and writing and style, subjects where I got my best marks. I travelled to Germany where I studied German and lived for a year. That was the place where I started to indulge my wanderlust. I came back to Chile and started to work as an in-house translator in a Chilean company but a couple of years later, I moved to Canada where I landed a job as an in-house translator. There I acquired much more experience in different fields. At the same time, I studied Portuguese in my free time and I could demonstrate my abilities to translate from that language into English and Spanish. I also continued studying French (my learning is ongoing) and translating from French into English and Spanish. Currently I work independently as a free-lance translator. My motto in life is “I know that I know nothing”, because I am aware that there so much more to learn.

Native language: Spanish
Translates from: English, Spanish, French, Portuguese
Translates into: English, Spanish

Books fully translated by this user:

TitleTranslate intoRoleRating
Main translator
Author review:
Elle est incroyable !
(Mais elle est réservée pour mes 4 prochains livres jeunesse)
Main translator
Author review:
Exceptionnal as usual !!!
