"Tuning Into the Afterlife" by Richard Martini

How to Stay in Touch with the Flipside

A compendium of conversations with musicians on the flipside about the frequency of the afterlife

"tuning into the afterlife"

This is the Ninth Book of Richard Martini's Journey into the Flipside. Starting with "Flipside: A tourist's guide on how to Navigate the afterlife" Richard has been filming people under hypnosis talking about the afterlife, as well as filming people not under hypnosis talking about the afterlife. He's done interviews with mediums who work with law enforcement agencies nationwide on missing person cases ("Backstage Pass to the Flipside" with Jennifer Shaffer books 1, 2 and 3). He and Jennifer have a podcast where they weekly speak directly to folks no longer on the planet. (HackingTheAfterlife.com) The last book was "Architecture of the Afterlife" where he used the example of his father, R. Charles Martini, an architect in Chicago who taught him how to read a blueprint. In this book, he focuses on the knowledge his mother gave him, a concert pianist who used to perform regularly in Washington during WWII, who often invited the first chairs of the Chicago Symphony to their home. That began a lifetime in music, including performing with bands in LA ("Imminent Disaster") composing music for feature films ("Point of Betrayal" "Cannes Man"). In his interviews with mediums (Jennifer Shaffer, Kimberly Babcock, Raylene Nuanes) different musicians would come through to discuss what it was like for them on the flipside. By realizing he could ask more detailed questions from people who are no longer were on the planet, he took this musical journey into the "the afterlife." As Gary Schwartz PhD said about "Flipside" - "Once you've read this book, you'll never see the world in the same way again." A best selling author, he's an award winning filmmaker who has written and/or directed 9 films, documentaries "Flipside" and "Hacking the Afterlife" are available online. Praise for "Architecture of the Afterlife" - "One of the things that makes this book so compelling and justifiable, IS the amount of EVIDENCE Martini amasses to backup the interviews, experiences and explorations undertaken here" "Eye opening, fascinating, and entertaining" Another home run for Rich Martini." "Thought provoking, and just plain fun. I absolutely loved this book!"

Genre: BODY, MIND & SPIRIT / Channeling & Mediumship

Secondary Genre: BODY, MIND & SPIRIT / Afterlife & Reincarnation

Language: English

Keywords: Afterlife, Musicians, Reincarnation, mediumship, consciousness

Word Count: 102.909

Sales info:

#1 in Amazon Kindle in its genre after my frequent appearances on Coast to Coast with George Noory, or on "Beyond Belief" with George Noory on Gaia.

Sample text:

"If we had a microscope powerful enough, we could see those electrons, quarks, neutrinos are vibrations on miniscule loops resembling rubber bands. If we pluck the rubber band enough times and different ways, we eventually create all the known subatomic particles in the universe. This means that all the laws of physics can be reduced to the harmonies of these strings. Chemistry is the melodies one can play on them.” 
While at film school at USC, I was part of a project with a hearing-impaired filmmaker, helping write a grant for filmmaking opportunities. We called the grant “Beyond Sound.” Through Greg Brooks, a deaf filmmaker from AFI, I learned rudimentary signs in Ameslan, American sign language. It’s a visual way of speaking.  It demonstrates one doesn’t need sound, and when one considers that Helen Keller couldn’t see, hear or speak until later in life, yet she became someone who toured the world. Communication needs no words, nor pictures. Ameslan came in handy recently. I was speaking with the medium Kimberly Ray Babcock, who was speaking directly to someone on the flipside describing how the afterlife worked.  I asked him, “What’s your opinion of this research?” She answered, “I don’t know what this means but he’s moving his hand from his mouth towards you in reply.”  I said “That means “Thank you” in sign language.” She lit up. “That’s what he’s saying!” (It’s in my documentary “Hacking the Afterlife”) In dreams we communicate telepathically, never using actual language, when we speak to animals we often speak in tones without language – with music, we speak with notes and emotion and without words. When one thinks of what light is – both particle and wave, it’s reminiscent of what music is.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Translation in progress. Translated by Anna Rocchi
Already translated. Translated by Lilian G. Selvaggio

Would you like to translate this book? Make an offer to the Rights Holder!
