You must read this book if you want to learn about or embark on the dark web journey. In this short book, you’ll learn the chilling tales of the dark web and dark net. You will know the fundamentals, the facts and figures about the surface web, the deep web and the dark web.
The book also provides a broad overview of current and emerging digital threats and computer crimes. You will be updated with crucial information on fraud and identity theft carried out daily on the dark web.
Specifically you will learn:
It is a hot selling book on Scribd, Apple, GooglePlay and other retail outlets.
How the Internet Changed Everything
Everything has been changed by the internet: the way we work, the way we live and even the way we play. Everyone has a corner on the internet. Whatever your interests or beliefs, there's something or someone out there that thinks the same way you do.
The world wide web has connected us in ways that we never before imagined. It's now a place where just about anyone from anywhere on the planet can come together. The internet has so much stuff that most of it we don't even know exists.
If there’s something or anything you want - a product or service, whether it be legal or illegal, moral or immoral - the internet has it. You can decide to use it for good or bad.
Web Levels
There are various levels of deep web. For instance, the lowest level (level 1) is called the surface web and is generally comprised of the “open to public” part of the web. The upper most level (level 5) is known as the dark web which is not accessible by normal web browsers and needs to get The Onion Router (Tor) network or some other private networks. The following table gives a brief summary of the level of dark web:
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Already translated.
Translated by Asma Louki
Already translated.
Translated by Wendrell Elias dos Santos Gomes
Author review: Very good work. |
Already translated.
Translated by Talía García
Author review: Very good work. |