The Beastlands by Kenneth Bostian

Survival, Adventure and Danger In a Land of Beasts

The beastlands

A story of survival, action, and danger in a land of beasts !
The story of a man and woman in a new world full of strange creatures, and living near Bigfoot and the sinister Werewolf like abominations called the Zog.
Creating a different visual in a land where Science Fiction meets Paranormal .

Genre: FICTION / Science Fiction / General

Language: English

Keywords: Bigfoot, werewolf, fiction, adventure, danger, survival, interdeminsional , beasts, cryptids

Word Count: 41,916

Sample text:

Wow ! A nearly perfect first day of November and I am about to mix pleasure and business over the next few days.I Trey Battles hunter,fisherman,photographer,writer and paranormal researcher will venture to a pretty remote area of north central Arkansas covering both Newton and Searcy counties.

I have been excited to visit again a place I found last year way off any public roads and visit some friends I had made, then do some camping and smallmouth fishing on a stream not even on the maps while investigating some old Cherokee indian drawings at Arrowhead Bluff.Arrowhead Bluff was about a 200 yard stretch of bare rock which mostly the Cherokee indians made lots of arrowheads for hunting and maybe a little war also, Who knows?

Another draw to the area besides the good fishing and indian history were the reports of disappearances in the area documented through both indian stories and the other locals for over a hundred years.People reported to just vanish or even being carried away by the hairy men of the woods, Bigfoot !

The little mountain above the bluffs has no real name on the maps, but the locals call it , yeah you guessed it Arrowhead mountain ! It is also said that about half the way up the little mountain that there is a small spring that has flowing water year

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Guilherme Dias
Translation in progress. Translated by Francesca Pieras

Would you like to translate this book? Make an offer to the Rights Holder!
