Mi Familia: PartIII by KC Klein

The Married to the Mob series

Being free from the mob is complicated…but so is loving Jack.

Mi familia: partiii

Jack and Franki are safe for now, but The Familia isn't the only thing keeping them apart.


 Our barrier is written as plain as the words tattooed beneath the red and beaten skin, the discoloring that has nothing to do with the bruises, but everything to do with the man. That when I read them have a pit forming in my belly.


Death before Dishonor

Justice before Mercy 

Vengeance above all


Who is this man? Can I trust him? And, in all honesty, do I really want to know?


 And so it begins… Read the exciting conclusion to MI FAMILIA Part III NOW!


Early praise for Mi Familia, Part III.

"I refuse to recommend this read, instead I'm telling you to get this phenomenal series and get busy reading it today!" 

Genre: FICTION / Thrillers / Crime

Secondary Genre: FICTION / Romance / Suspense

Language: English

Keywords: romance, mafia, new adult, suspense, thriller, crime

Word Count: 30,000

Sales info:

Mi Familia has outsold all my other books. It is a 3 part series. I would need the same translator for all three parts. Each part is an continuation of the last part. Same characters, same story. The entire series is a little over 115k long. 

The first book has consistently sold over $1000 US dollars every month since release with a higher than normal sell thru of the entire series. 

Sample text:

I gradually drag myself up to awareness. Feelings of peace and a sense of security have me snuggling down deep into the covers. Beneath half closed eyelids, dawn is throwing a soft pink light through the white curtains, and if I listen closely I hear the birds chirping in the garden outside below.

A hand brushes my bare hip, and I still. Several thoughts flash through my head at the same time.

Hand. Naked. Man. Bed.

I sit straight up, taking the covers with me to hide my naked breasts.

My breathing is fast as I glance toward the man lying next to me. He’s on his stomach, arms splayed out of front, either asleep or in a coma. When’s the last time he’s had a full night’s rest?

In sleep, Jack seems younger, way less of the criminal I witnessed last night, and more of the man who bribed me with French toast and bacon so I’d finish a green drink, and I take the opportunity to study him.

The early morning sun is kind to his face, smoothing out the angles and keeping some of the bruises and cuts in the shadows. Long lashes flutter at his cheeks. His nose is straight and angular despite the swelling, and I wonder how he got it set since coming up from the dungeon. His cheekbones are high, lips fuller than mine.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Marie-Pier Deshaies
1 2 3 4 5
Author review:
awesome as always!!!
Already translated. Translated by Stephanie Uschold
1 2 3 4 5
Already translated. Translated by Cristina Borgomeo and Tina Cuccaro
1 2 3 4 5
Already translated. Translated by Maria Lidia Lima
1 2 3 4 5
Already translated. Translated by Karla Avila
1 2 3 4 5
Author review:
This is the 3rd book I've worked with Karla on and I'm still thrilled. She is quick, easy to communicate with and willing to ask questions if something needs clarification. I look forward to working with her on my next series.

Would you like to translate this book? Make an offer to the Rights Holder!
