Madam Carrie - Volume #1 by Mike Watson

That thin line between FANTASY ... and REALITY!

The first book in the immensely popular femdom series - Madam Carrie!!

Madam carrie - volume #1

The lovely Carrie (oops, Madam Carrie as it were ...), her of the "Holle" (her version of "Hello" apparently). Mike Watson mentions that he first met this lady when hunting for an apartment in China - and that part is 100% true, my friend. Oh yes, it's true ... and funnily enough or not I ended up in the exact same apartment for the exact same reasons mentioned in the book - and Madam knows it as well.

The subtitle talks about a thin line between fantasy and reality, and it's as true as it "rings", hehe.

Ah, the lovely Madam Carrie ... the lovely, "boadcious" and NOT classically "beautiful" (in fact, some might even say "fat"!) lady - 23 year old that I met fleetingly for a while when I was apartment hunting way back in 2017 ...

The gorgeous nails that stuck in my mind - - those long fingernails, painted just the perfect shade of white (mixed with ...well, you'll have to read the book to find out - but rest assured you won't forget once you "see" 'em!) ...

The lovely, pale skinned, milky white voluptous thighs ... The voice that struck AWE and lust in me in equal measures ...

And the confidence, of course. The sheer CONFIDENCE - some might say ARROGANCE - and BRATTINESS (topped only by Madam Joyce - the ULTIMATE QUEEN as it were - but I haven't got that book out as yet!) ...

Is it any wonder - that a book slated to run ONE volume - ran FOUR - fifth in the works?

Is it any wonder that Madam Carrie spawned OTHER books - - such as "Miss V Beauty Salon? ?

And NO - I was never her boyfriend ... and never will be!

Genre: FICTION / Erotica / BDSM

Language: English

Keywords: femdom, female domination, femdom books, madam carrie, erotica

Word Count: 24795

Sales info:

Madam Carrie (the book!) - all the Volumes - sell like hotcakes on my site - and Amazon !

Sample text:

With that apparent dichotomy in mind, back to the actual tale!


I cleaned the last of the dishes and wiped them off carefully. Thankfully the problem with the cockroaches seems to have been solved forever, I thought as I idly checked the corners of the floor just to make sure.


But there weren’t any.


To be honest, my landlady had done a fairly good job of cleaning the place up and actually trying to “spray” it before I moved in, something which is rare in China. The Chinese have a rather different view of renting apartments than we in the West might.


To the landlords (or landladies, as the case might be), it’s a matter of renting out an “empty box” (to put it rather crudely) to the tenant. In the case of furnished apartments, that “empty box” is usually furnished with the cheapest appliances that money can buy.


Most of the tenants for whatever reason “accept the situation for what it is” and pretty much “bend with the wind to avoid the hurricane”, as the Chinese say.


My book “Joyce the Ultimate Queen” (which as of now is about 80% done) will detail the entire process even more, but for now, let’s just say that agents are the intermediaries which And THAT is pretty much what Madam Carrie is - or was, should I say.


Well, she still is to be precise, but she doesn’t need to work there any more.


Not with the double income she has, plus the money her “boyfriend” gives her.


That last bit being the most important, although the first part is becoming more and more

important as time passes.


Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Paula Banda Rendón
Author review:
Just awesome again Paula, thank you SO much - the translation keeps the original meaning and vibe intact SO WELL! Same thing applies to the rest of her translations ...
Already translated. Translated by Paula Banda Rendón
Already translated. Translated by Paula Banda Rendón
Already translated. Translated by Pablo Lionel Giglio
Author review:
Superb work by Pablo on my book "Madam Carrie - Volume One". Not only did he work FAST (he literally seems to have stopped, as he said, "just to sleep") - not only was the translation nigh perfect, but he also took attention to pay attention to, and preserve all existing line breaks, spacing etc as in the original doc which can sometimes be an issue while translating.

I highly recommend Pablo for future work!

Would you like to translate this book? Make an offer to the Rights Holder!
