Chained and Confused by JB Trepagnier

A Paranormal Prison Reverse Harem Romance

A Paranormal Prison Reverse Harem romance

Chained and confused

Scorchwood Supernatural Penitentiary is Hell. Literally, it’s in Hell.

Of all the things to end up in jail for, embezzling wasn’t what I thought would bring me down. I’ve got a pretty healthy arson and murder hobby on my down time. White collar crimes never go to Scorchwood. I should have been given a fee and probation at most. Something is going on. My cell mate, Skoll is an Alpha wolf in for manslaughter. He wants me to meet Roman, a vampire and Amduscias, demon who is really shifty about what his demonic form is.

Something fishy is going down in Scorchwood with the elementals. Skoll’s last five cellmates were elementals who were framed for white collar crimes. Amduscias is cellmates with one of the worst elemental women in the entire jail and she is not pleased I’ve made friends with him.

Something is going on. Someone is framing elementals and sending them to Scorchwood. But they made a mistake framing me. They didn’t know about my little hobbies before they sent me here. They didn’t know about Fergus, my fire dragon.

There’s so much I don’t know about why I’m here, but there’s so much they don’t know about me too. I’ve made friends in Scorchwood and I don’t call myself Elemental Batman in secret for nothing. This should be fun.

Genre: FICTION / Romance / Paranormal / Vampires

Secondary Genre: FICTION / Romance / Paranormal / Shifters

Language: English

Keywords: 55203

Word Count: 55203

Sales info:

This is an older series, but each book has made over 5 figures

Sample text:


f all the fucked up things to get arrested for, embezzling wasn’t what I thought I’d go down for. I hadn’t even committed that crime. Arson? Murder? Guilty. Funneling money from charities into an overseas bank account? That wasn’t my style. I fucking killed people for that. Did someone find out about my little extracurricular activities and frame me?

No. No way. No one knew I was Fire Elemental Batman. According to the world, I was just a boring accountant who liked to job hop and move around a lot. No, embezzling was only six years. If someone could have tied me to arson and murder and really wanted to fuck me up, they would have come at me by now.

I was a good little girl in the courtroom. I pleaded not guilty, and my public defender did all they could. The frame job was tight, and I didn’t even blink when the jury pronounced my guilt. I did fucking react when the judge read out my sentence. It was pretty fucking extreme.

From what I understood, white-collar crimes like embezzling were served topside, and it was usually a slap on the wrist. Even more brutal crimes like rape and murder got a slap on the wrist nowadays. That was the whole purpose of my side job of arson and murder. I punished the people who were standing where I was standing and either got off with a low fine or six months topside. They fucked people over and caused death and suffering, so I’d swoop in and give a little payback.

“The sentence will be ten years at Scorchwood Supernatural Penitentiary with no early parole,” the judge proclaimed, banging his gavel.

I jumped to my feet. “What the fuck?” I shrieked.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Chloe Pare
Translation in progress. Translated by Adelina Simões
Already translated. Translated by Gala de la Rosa

Would you like to translate this book? Make an offer to the Rights Holder!
