Cats and Dogs by Owen Jones

Useful tips for owners

Useful tips for people who live with cats and dogs

Cats and dogs

Hello and thank you for buying this ebook of useful tips on 'Cats and Dogs’.

I hope that you will find the information helpful, useful and profitable.

The information in this ebook on various aspects of cats and dogs and related subjects is organized into 18 chapters of about 500-600 words each.

It will help people who live with cats and dogs, our favourite pets, understand the basics about these lovely animals than increase our happiness and lifespan.

As an added bonus, I am granting you permission to use the content on your own website or in your own blogs and newsletter, although it is better if you rewrite them in your own words first.

You may also split the book up and resell the articles. In fact, the only right that you do not have is to resell or give away the book as it was delivered to you.

If you have any feedback, please leave it with the company you bought this book from and you can find more books like this one there too.

Thanks again for purchasing this ebook,

Owen Jones

Genre: PETS / Dogs / General

Secondary Genre: PETS / Cats / General

Language: English

Keywords: cats, dogs, pets, household animals, best friends, household pets, beloved animals

Word Count: 10500

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Sample text:

Cats Ringworm And Your Children

Ringworm is quite common in cats, especially those that are not groomed or looked after well enough. However, even the most cared-for cats can get ringworm because it is so contagious.

However, ringworm is not caused by a worm. Sorry, for telling you how to suck eggs, if you already knew that, but a lot of owners do not.

Ringworm is actually a fungus known as dermatophytosis and is extremely infectious for most animals including humans. Cats frequently pass it on to every other whilst rubbing and pass it onto humans during grooming or stroking.

Not only that, but when you have the infection on your hands, you might develop ringworm on your body wherever you touch yourself or you may pass it onto someone else, another cat or your dog.

If you notice the tell-tale Catherine-wheel shaped mark on your cat, you must take it to the vet instantly for treatment.

Likewise, if you or your kids pick up the infection, you must see a GP or dermatologist. You should see an improvement in a few days and complete recovery within a week or so, although treatment may go on for a fortnight to make sure complete recovery.

Sometimes, you may not see the ring-like mark, but if your cat or child is itching or scratching in one spot and there are no fleas, suspect ringworm. Being a fungus, spores will drop off the host all over the house and might even become blown about in the aircon system. This could easily infect each living thing in the house, so it is nasty.

Therefore, if you suspect that something is wrong, but you cannot explain it, suspect ringworm, be on the look out for the signs and see to it as soon as it reveals itself.

While you have your cat on your lap, check it for signs of ringworm. These are very often on the head, where it has nuzzled a cat.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Reinout Steijleman
Author review:
Reinout made a wonderful job of both the translation and the formatting, which saved me a lot of time.
Translation in progress. Translated by Mona Lisa Kokkoniemi
Already translated. Translated by Patrícia Pinto
Author review:
Patricia did a great job on the translation and the formatting.
Already translated. Translated by Sofia Federico
Author review:
Sofia made a great job of both the translation and the formatting.
Already translated. Translated by Rowena Obias
Author review:
Rowen has produced a great translation and formatted it well. She was very easy to work with.
Already translated. Translated by Carla Banza
Author review:
Carla has made a fantastic job of the translation and its formatting, and was very easy to work with.

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