Wolfgang M. Hunklinger (translator)


Wolfgang m. hunklinger

Hello to everyone!

I'm very excited about being part of this community of Babelcube now, because its vision seems highly interesting to me and it looks like all parts of this community can be in a win situation.

A little bit about me:
A love languages, a fact I discovered not so early in my life. But since then I try (with success) to integrate them in my daily life. I'm a native German who lives in Mexico for eight years now. I am a professional translator and teach German to Mexicans. So all of the three languages I'm focusing on at present (German, English, Spanish), form parts of my daily life.

I started translating as a hobby in 2008 and I translate from English and Spanish into German. I happened to know an author in Mexico and translated his best-selling book ‘El Esclavo’ which is on sale in Germany since 2011 under the title 'Engel an meinem Bett'. It's also available as audio book. (http://www.amazon.de/Engel-meinem-Bett-Geschichte-Vergebung/dp/3899013808/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1459027772&sr=1-1&keywords=Engel+an+meinem+Bett)

In 2014 I received the oppoprtunity to translate a book of Deepak Chopra: 'The Future of Good' which was published in Germany in 2015 under the title 'Die Zukunft Gottes'. (http://www.amazon.de/Die-Zukunft-Gottes-praktische-Spiritualit%C3%A4t/dp/3932130405) This was a great honor and experience for me.

With pleasure I want to quote what the owner of the publishing company wrote to me after having finished the translation of 'The Future of God':

With this in mind, you can be sure that I will be totally committed to your work of art. I'm well known for my dedication and sense of responsibility and you can rely on what I say.

Of course all we translators are the best in the world and we could write anything about us and our work. The best is, to give it a try.

I hope that we could work together soon

Update from August 11, 2018

First of all I want to apologize sincerely to everyone who offered my his/her book and did not receive any reply. The reason is that after having translated a few books on Babelcube, my current experience is that it's necessary to put a lot of effort in time as a kind of preliminary work into a translation without knowing if there will be any profit some day, as there is no guarantee at all that a book selling well in the original langue will sell well in the translated language, too, especially if no effort is made to promote it well.

As a professional translator I don't have the time anymore to dedicate a big part of my working capacity into the translation of a book neither do I have the financial freedom to live without earning money for a certain time. But as I love translating, if deadline is not the most important issue for you, feel free to contact me and I will regularly dedicate a part of my time to the translation process of your work of art.

Native language: German
Translates from: English, Spanish
Translates into: German

Books fully translated by this user:

TitleTranslate intoRoleRating
Main translator
Not provided
Main translator
Author review:
Estoy enormemente agradecido. Wolgang es rápido, profesional y una gran persona. Su traducción y el dominio del lenguaje es impresionante. Es atento y está en contacto permanente ante cualquier duda. Espero hacer grandes cosas con él. Y no dudo en ningún momento que su profesionalidad y su buen hacer de las cosas lo llevarán a lo más alto en todos los sentidos. Solo me cabe decir, gracias.
Main translator
Author review:
Un gran profesional que se entrega a su trabajo, colaborando en todo momento con el autor. Rápido y eficiente, espero volver a trabajar con él.
Main translator
Author review:
El mejor traductor que he tenido. Profesional, serio, metódico, puntual, pregunta cualquier duda, la traducción está perfecta. No puedo estar más contenta con la gran profesionalidad que ha demostrado Wolfgang todo el tiempo. Un 10!

Canceled translations by this user:

TitleTranslate intoRoleRating
Main translator
Author review:
Excelente. Cumplió en tiempo y forma con todo lo pactado. Un trabajo muy pulcro y organizado. Lo recomiendo.
