Werner Diefenthal (author)

We are two Authors in Germany writing different kind of novels, mostly based in the medival and in the 19th. century.

Werner diefenthal

Werner Diefenthal: Born 1963, located in Bavaria.
Publication: "Das Schwert der Druiden" in 2010, upcoming "Das Rückkehr des Schwertes"
Since 2014 in cooperation with Martina Noble, publications:
"Der Henker von Rothenburg 1 - 3"


"Henker vor Rothenburg" will get a new release. Part 1 in June, 2 and 3 until the end of the year. We are looking for a good translation for these books.

If we can find one or more translator, mostly you will have to deal with Martina, who works as translating assistance.

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MORD IN WHITECHAPEL Wer ist der mysteriöse Mörder, der mehrere Frauen in Whitechapel umgebracht hat ? Wer steckt dahinter, welches Motiv hat er ? Gemeinsam mit Martina Noble gehe ich der Frage nach, wer in London gegen Ende des 19.Jahrhunderts
