Vika Winters (translator)


Four languages, bookworm, bilingual writer, love translating!

Vika winters

Born and raised in Salvador, the heart of Brazil, I started reading books and writing stories as soon as I could read and write. Thanks to my love for the Beatles, in middle school I began my foreign lanuage learning career, and I wrote my first novel. Fast forward a few years, I am teaching English, interpreting lectures, and working on several writing projects.

I traveled to the US in hopes to improve my English, but I found a lot more - my future husband.

Today I live in Massachusetts with my husband, my two beautiful daughters (who are being homeschooled and growing up bilingual and biliterate), and my mother (who came to live here solely to be a grandmother). I have published two books and am currently working with a team of fellow translators to translate my second book into portuguese.

Here are the two books I have published in English. The first one, a fiction novel about a girl who meets the Beatles, originally written in Portuguese, but translated into English by myself and picked up by an American publisher. I have since self-publishedboth versions. My second published work is a humor book, originally written in English, picked up by a publisher, but it is now being self-published.

Summer of 2024 I have left my job as an ESL teacher to stay home with my children and focus on a transition to full time home-based translator/interpreter/subtitler.

I am looking forward to work on more and more translations. Here's to the future!

Native language: Portuguese
Translates from: English, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese
Translates into: English, Portuguese

User links: LinkedIn Proz

Books fully translated by this user:

TitleTranslate intoRoleRating
Main translator
Author review:
Vika has shown enthusiasm and commitment and interest in the subject of the book. Her translation is careful and well-edited. I am happy she collaborated with me!
Main translator
Author review:
Vika has shown enthusiasm and commitment and interest in the subject of the book. Her translation is careful and well-edited. I am happy she collaborated with me!

Books being translated by this user:

TitleTranslate intoRole
Main translator
Main translator
