I wrote my first story when I was 8 yo and I've never stopped since then.
Creating paper worlds is just my thing, whether it's a poem, a song, a novel, a fairy tale, I just can't help but answer the words' call.
My first novel (written at age 15), called "Rebel Girl" was published in 2005 by Maremmi Editori Firenze and in the same year my short work "Alla fine" was released in the anthology "Lettera d'amore" by NOUBS.
In 2013 I published a selection of my teenage poems named "Parti di bambola" by the online self-publishing platform Lulu.com.
In 2015 I finally released my second novel, "Una specie di ragazza", published by Eretica Edizioni, which I hope I can get translated in English soon.
I'm currently working on a couple of new novels and some stories for kids, in collaboration with an illustrator.
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Lui incontra lei. Lei strega lui. Lei sparisce. Lui la cerca. Niente è come sembra.