Tomaso Bonavita (translator)

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waiting for the coming sun

Tomaso bonavita

The undersigned Tomaso Bonavita, born in Cesena on 21-12-1950 and resident in Cesena, via G.Pascoli 130, with a degree in Political Science from the University of Bologna on July 20, 1976 and a degree in Oriental Languages and Literatures (Chinese) from the University Ca' Foscari of Venice on October 16, 2001, declares to have carried out the following activities:
from 1971 to 1975 extraordinary agent at the provincial direction pt of Bologna;
from 1974 to October 27, 1986 worker and truck driver at various companies and companies, even abroad;
from the end of October 1986 to 9/09/ 1991 annual substitute for the teaching of legal and economic doctrines class A019 (previously A025) at various schools;
from the end of September 1991 to August 31, 2016 permanent teacher at various schools for the teaching of legal and economic doctrines class competition A019;
since September 1, 2016 is retired.


Native language: Italian
Translates from: English, Spanish, French, Portuguese
Translates into: Italian

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