Stefano Vignaroli (author)

I write Thriller and hardboiled, but also Historical novels

Stefano vignaroli

My name is Stefano Vignaroli, I was born in Italy in 1959 and I am a Veterinary. The passion for dogs and Police investigations have brought myself to write three novels based on a female character, the Inspector Caterina Ruggeri, who is helped by her dog Furia in her investigations.

After the trilogy of novels by Inspector Caterina Ruggeri, considering my passion for the history, especially local history, I dedicated myself to the historical novel. “L’ombra del campanile” (The shadow of the bell tower) may be considered the first of a series dedicated to a young scholar, Lucia Balleani, who, finding and storing old texts, takes us with the hand for learning with her dark events of a remote past, that happened in her famili 500 years before.

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Dalle immagini alle parole: un Gruppo Di Autori Marchigiani Accetta La Sfida Di Leonardo Longhi
Improvvise sparizioni inquietano gli abitanti di Triora, paesino dell'entroterra ligure. Caterina Ruggeri, commissario di Polizia, dovrà far luce su misteriosi delitti spingendosi fino a 400 anni prima: l'uccisione di una strega sembra celare le cause di
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Romanzo storico ambientato nel rinascimento
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