Rosa Feijoo Andrade (author)

I have written 3 books in Spanish. Now I just publshed 2 of them in Amazon and I want to have "Rompecabezas" translated into English. I am a translator myself working with Babelcube, but English is not my mother tongue.

Rosa feijoo andrade

Rosa was born in Mexico City in 1943, from Spanish parents who emigrated to Mexico after the Spanish Civil War. She grew up among many Spaniards, but the country and the Mexican classmates and friend that she ever had, made a deep impression on her. So, she always felt Mexican and loves her country of birth. She married a Peruvian Diplomat, thus, she had the opportunity to live en Unites States, India, Australia and Perú, all of which has enhaced her natural ability to be resilient and to understand and love other cultures and people from all over the world. She divorced (Thanks God!, she says), many, many years ago. She had three chlidren, the eldest one, José, was gay and died of AIDS 22 years ago. During all this time, after some therapies to deal with her son's death, just by chance, she started giving lectures on the prevention of AIDS. In 2004 she cofounded and ONG, Fundación Hacia un Sentido de la Vida, A.C. (FUNSEVIDA) and has been giving conferences on the same subject bur lately has moved to the prevention of bullying and the defense of the human rights of women and people of the sexual diversity. She is also a watercolorist and enjoys writing, short stories and two books so far. There is another one "in the oven", some kind of autobiography as she feels she has many lovely experiences she wants to share.
Currently she lives alone, but does not feel lonely. As a matter of fact, some times she feels that she has never been happier in her life.

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Rosa está convencida de que la vida es un rompecabezas que se forma solo, y nos presenta el rompecabezas de parte de su vida. Ella vive sola, pero no soliaria y es feliz con lo que hace: activista en pro de los derechos humanos de las mujeres y de la pobl
