Rômulo Titton Dezen (translator)


I work with art, I work with love. I love what I do. Seriousness and excellence in translation.

Rômulo titton dezen


2012 - 2016 Rômulo Titton Dezen 789, Av. Nossa Senhora da Paz, São José do Rio Preto, SP, Brazil. PHONE: +55 17 9 9745 8498 EMAIL: [email protected]/ [email protected] SKYPE: romulo_titton_dezen


Translator and proofreader


I have subtitled institutional films to Unesp (State University of Sao Paulo) which had international scope. I have also proofread many movies and films to several international events that occurred in the institution, including, for exemple, L’enfant sauvage (The Wild Child), dated from 1970. I still currently provide such type of service to said University. I have also translated many scientific articles and other types of documents, academic or not. I specially have experience with literary translation and philosophy. I have also translated, as a research project internship during my undergraduate course, Diderot’s Promenade Vernet, dated from 1767.

February 2016 - present: Attending Master’s degree program of Literature at Unesp (IBILCE) São José do Rio Preto campus, SP, Brazil.

RESPONSABILITIES: - Fulfilling the Master’s program - Providing translation, proofreading, and text services whenever required. EMPLOYER/ADRESS: Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho”, São José do Rio Preto campus / 2265, Cristóvão Colombo St.

PRACTICE AREA: Literary translation, Literature, and XVIII’s philosophy.

January 2016 - present: Teacher

RESPONSABILITIES: Giving French, Spanish, and English lessons. ADRESS: Cambridge Idiomas / 622, Dr. Presciliano Pinto St. - São José do Rio Preto - SP

PRACTICE AREA: Language teaching

February 2012 - present: Freelancer translator and Writing, French, Spanish, and English teacher. RESPONSABILITIES: Translating and giving lessons with quality and excellence ADRESS: Freelance/Home Office. PRACTICE AREA: Teaching and Translation.

2016 – Current: Attending Master’s degree in Literature

MAJOR STUDIES:  Translation, literature, and philosophy student. Literature and philosophy of the XVIII century. EMPLOYER/ADRESS: Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho”, São José do Rio Preto campus / 2265, Cristóvão Colombo St.

2012 - 2015: Bachelor's Degree in Translation with major in French and minor in Spanish.

Technical, literary, legal, subtitling, and dubbing translation. ADRESS: Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho”, São José do Rio Preto campus/ 2265, Cristóvão Colombo St.

ABILITIES/SKILLS: Formally able to translate any type of texts or documents.

French - fluent

Spanish - fluent

English - fluent

SOCIAL WORK: I work voluntarily for charitable organizations and needed students in the Botucatu area teaching various classes and courses, but mainly Writing and English lessons.

ORGANISATION ABILITIES: Risen from Member (2012) to President in the Academic Center of the Translation Course (2015), developing financial, administrative, and group working abilities.

TECHNOLOGICAL ABILITIES: Familiarity with many CAT Tools, such as Wordfast, Subtitle Workshop, and MemoQ.

INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCE: International experience with an exchange program to the Université de Sherbrooke (Québec, Canadá) in 2014-2015, where I studied French, Literature, Translation, and Cultural Studies. Experience also in the United States of America.

Native language: Portuguese
Translates from: English, Spanish, French, Portuguese
Translates into: French, Portuguese

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Merci Rômulo pour ce délicat breuvage du dieu du vin. Un philtre à consommer avec modération... Amitiés, Phanès
