Paula de Vera (author)

Blogger and YA Fantasy Writer in Spanish and English

Paula de vera

Paula de Vera García, a Brussels-based writer from a family coming from Burgos (Spain) was born in Madrid on 15 June 1990. Showing great imagination since she was a child, at the age of thirteen she began to write her first novel, Alma Elemental, and she followed it up with four more diverse participations in literary contests and competitions, but it was not until 2014 when she finally managed to publish for the first time with a publishing house (Los Hijos de los Dioses, with Chiado Editorial).

She graduated in Veterinary Science from the Complutense University of Madrid and tries to combine her work as a veterinarian with writing, being a member of the Association of Writers of Madrid.

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Una Distopia New Adult de inspiración artúrica que no te dejará indiferente
Una historia de descubrimiento personal y lucha contra la injusticia en un ambiente de fantasía juvenil épica y medieval
Una historia de fantasía urbana y magia elemental llena de amor, amistad, traiciones y acción.
Supera los límites. La batalla va a empezar.
