You can find on-line some of my short novel :
"Lo Tsunami della Vita" (Free)
"Insieme" (Free)
"Vite nella Crostata" (Free)
"Quello che gli uomini non sanno delle Borse delle Donne" (Pay)
For this last one I'm working hard for a crossed advertize with Social Channel. Also I've prepared a small BookTrailer (you can find it also on Youtube), the first of a series.
I write stories but I'm also a videomaker, with a YouTube Channel and a site for helping people with technology problems.
Peoples that follows me like I interact with others, and the way I explain things. Just want to find someone well prepared to start a collaboration. I can translate by my self, but I don't have so much time to spend of.
Thank you a lot.
Title | Info |
Cosa si cela dietro la borsa di una donna?