Miruna Stroe (translator)


Bilingual Architecture Student - What I lack in experience, I make up with enthusiasm, promptitude and hard work

Miruna stroe

While pursuing a Cambridge Certificate, I've become proficient in various types of writing, both formal and informal, from creative writing to reports. First of all, being part of a bilingual high-school program, translations were a daily occurrence, not only for academic purposes, but also as a hobby, going as far as translation competitions. This also developed the capacity to easily write and translate accurately in short spans of time, to organize efficiently and work under deadlines.


As a native speaker of Romanian and highly fluent in English (C2 level), it's possible for me to not only translate, but also adapt the material to certain cultural nuances that would have otherwise been overlooked. Despite not living in an English-speaking country, I keep up to date with the language by being an avid reader, consuming almost exclusively English content.


Attending "Ion Mincu" Architecture and City Planning University means that on a daily basis I come into contact with academic literature, most of which is in English, in various related fields such as engineering, history, and philosophy. It also means I'm able to keep up with a busy schedule, adapt to unforeseen situations and quickly pick up new skills.

Native language: Romanian
Translates from: English, French, Romanian
Translates into: English, French, Romanian

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