María José Martín Velasco (translator)


I'm a teacher of Ancient Greek at a secondary school in Santiago de Compostela. Ph. Degree in Classics.

María josé martín velasco

1981BA in Classic Philology (Greek section), University of Santiago de Compostela. Since finishing my degree, I have worked in the field of Greek syntax, specifically in diachronic syntax, and in particular in that of the 4th century b c and in Greek Rhetoric, particularly in Aristotle’s Rhetoric. I obtained my doctorate in Classical Philology at the University of Santiago de Compostela with my doctoral thesis Sintaxis de Esquines, directed by D.J.J. Moralejo in 1992.1999.   I graduated in BA Spanish Philology through UNED.

Native language: Spanish
Translates from: English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Greek
Translates into: Spanish

User links: Website Facebook Twitter Google+

Books fully translated by this user:

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Main translator
Author review:
María did a great job translating my book, which is a tough one, a more than 450-pages historic novel, full of special vocabulary, and admittedly my own style (in German) is anything than easy. A Spanish colleague of mine who has known me for years and to whom I gave the book for proof-reading said that he can really see me in the text and that regarding to the style of the Spanish text he was moved by the way of telling this story, a praise I can only relay to María. Communication with María was amazing, her response time rather to be measured in hours than days. Thank you very much for making this book happen in Spanish.

Canceled translations by this user:

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Main translator
Author review:
María José Martín Velasco é uma tradutora muito competente, tendo conseguido transpor para espanhol não só o ambiente em que se desenrola "Perdidos para Sempre", como também as subtilezas da narrativa, sendo que estas nem sempre são fáceis de traduzir. Muito obrigado!
Main translator
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