Joffrey Gabriel (author)

Currently publishing my fourth book :)

Joffrey gabriel

Joffrey Gabriel is a contemporary author whose writing first caught the public's eye with his debut novel, Et l'Amour continue, awarded the Femme Actuelle prize in 2020. His narrative talent was confirmed with the release of La Mémoire de la Mésange in 2022, followed by Je nous ai attendus si longtemps in September 2023. Joffrey Gabriel stands out for his ability to weave deeply human and moving stories, exploring the complexities of relationships and emotions.

With La Troisième clef, his fourth work and the first volume of a captivating family saga, Joffrey Gabriel continues to carve his path in the literary landscape.

User links: Website Facebook Amazon Goodreads


Nouvellement retraité, Louis rencontre Aurore par internet. Ils s'aiment, mais un accident intervient.
"La Troisième Clef" dévoile le voyage résilient d'une famille déchirée par le conflit, naviguant entre devoir et désirs, portée par un mystère qui teste les liens du cœur et de l'esprit humain.
