Jean Samuel Domercant (author)

my name is JeanSamuel Domercant, poet, singer and compositor

Jean samuel domercant

my name is Jean Samuel Domercant, I am from a beautiful town LES CAYES-HAITI, 34 years old, founder of an Organization JEUNES OUVERTS HAITI, now i have published three e.books that my readers are  excited to read. I call myself a poet, writer, thinker, accountant, student at law, human being with all his perfections and his imperfections. Born in family with two sisters, i am the elder.

I love everything that brings happiness. My son John-Haskel Domercant, through his eyes i can see rimes, arts, and wonders, he is my miracle. I enjoy kissing my foolishness, it's good to be crazy when you know where you are going, it's me.

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le livre que toute la planète doit lire absolument
