Giacomo Sottocasa (author)

Giacomo sottocasa

Lawyer (even if here it doesn't really matters), Game designer, musician, amatorial photographer and 3d graphic artist and passionated aquarist, I was born in 1971.
I always loved role playing games and boardgames and in 1991 I started my first project of developing a new RPG.   In the mid '90s I founded Rose & Poison as a game designers group and worked out its transformation in a publishing firm. Now Rose & Poison is almost anew a game designers group. In 2011 and 2012 I was part of Lucca Games Best of Show jury.
I'm a member of SAZ, trying to give my very small contribution to the working group contracts (as a designer, an ex-publisher and a lawyer).

Since 2014 I started putting down on paper the book I always had in mind.

User links: Facebook


Hietta and Alphos, unrecognized power and established power, the Witch and the Legate, in the end two teenagers
Ashes of Empire is a novel split in short stories... Tullius is when the story begins
