Gabriele Napolitano (author)

I was born in Marino on 30/08/1990, I live in Grottaferrata and study economics at the University of Rome 'Tor Vergata'. I also have worked as a soccer referee for many years. After studying abroad in Alicante, Spain for a year I decided to begin writing. Initially I was hesitant but now I understand it is important to give your passions an outlet.
I wrote my firsts books 'un dolce per stasera', 'Idee antipasti' and 'PRIMIssimi: Pasta, Riso e zuppe' in 2012,. In 2013 I wrote also 'Trenta sfumature di secondo' and published my thesis 'Motivazione in ambito lavorativo: Caso Procter and Gamble'. The books are available in english, spanish and many others languages as well.

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30 antipasti di tradizione italiana
Tema della motivazione in ambito lavorativo, guardando il caso Procter & Gamble
30 ricette di primi piatti italiani
Trenta ricette di secondi piatti italiani
30 ricette di dolci italiani
