Ellen Frazer-Jameson (author)

Fourth Dimension of South Beach
Evocative and compelling novels of romance ,glamour and international travel.

Ellen frazer-jameson

Ellen Frazer-Jameson is the author of six romance novels plus several non fiction books.  A former BBC broadcaster and national newspaper journalist she is also a theatre professional.  Director, producer and lead actress in several theatrical  productions in the USA she was principal of a children’s performing arts school in the UK.  Ellen travels internationally to research her books and has taken two Grand Round the World Voyages..   Ellen's work has been compared to the five star gold plated Hollywood world of Jackie Collins - but her envied beautiful protagonists are never in doubt that glamour and wealth offer no protection against heartbreak and betrayal.    Ellen has written motivational self-help books which became Amazon Bestsellers including Seven Steps to Fabulous and Seven Steps to Cruising Fabulous.  Ellen loves to enourage new writers and she teaches and mentors aspiring authors.  She is a member of the International Travel Writers' Alliance, the Society of Romance Writers and also Equity for actors'.  In her days as  a BBC broadcaster she presented the largest late night radio show in Europe. Ellen lives in London and Miami and to relax dances Argentine tango.  

User links: Website Facebook LinkedIn Amazon


Compelling love affair between a Greek naval officer and European aristocrat.
An intriguing tale of triumph over adversity.” — James Herbert, O.B.E., International best-selling novelist
Love me or hate me, both are in my favor, If you love me, I’ll always be in your heart, If you hate me, I’ll always be in your mind.
Love Mother Love Daughter is a high level emotional experience.
"Until the sun grows cold and the stars grow old..."
A celebrity wedding planner dreams of happy ever after but is betrayed by those she loves.
Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it!
Are you more glum than glam? Are you looking past your sell-by date? Could you do with an overhaul? Yes? Then this book is for you.
