An Invitation to the Captain's Table by Ellen Frazer-Jameson

Love awaits those who believe

Compelling love affair between a Greek naval officer and European aristocrat.

An invitation to the captain's table


An invitation to the Captain’s Table

Love awaits those who believe.  inspired by passion and driven by destiny, seven years after 

the death of her husband, an Italian aristocrat, Helena de Croy Ringold embarked on a  Grand 

Round the World voyage and sailed headlong into a heart-stopping, storm tossed romance.   

The moment she saw him, Helena knew she had found the one man who could ignite her 

desire and satisfy her longing.    Handsome as any movie star, Greek Captain Yiannis Vasilios of

the  ‘Vision Star’  was a master at riding the waves of expectation and navigating 

his way through dreams of ship board romance.   Glamorous, beautiful and wealthy, Helena 

demanded the best and always got what she wanted. She pursued her goal of capturing his 

heart but failed to take on board  that traveling the seven seas – alone – was his mission.  

Helen set her sights on the world’s most emotionally unavailable man. Could she break 

through his armour and anchor him to conquer the waves and set sail on a lifetime of 

everlasting love? 




Genre: FICTION / General

Secondary Genre: FICTION / Romance / General

Language: English

Keywords: drama, adventure, romance, cruising

Word Count: 100,000

Sales info:

Invitation to the Captain's Table was published in 2020.  In the yer of global pandemic

ebooks proved more pupular than print.  Reader response was positive with 98% five star reviews.

The novel is a finalist in the New York City Book Awards 2021 and shortlisted in the 

Indie Human Relations Book Awards for contemporary fiction.  The book also was judged Gold

and Silver Awards in the Human Relations Indie Book Awards 2021. 

Sample text:

“Would you cut off your ear for love?”     

          Helena de Croy Ringold continued to stare at the life size Van Gogh self-portrait in the museum of his art in Amsterdam.   Although they had not been introduced, she was confident she knew the identity of the male voice, the soft-spoken man who stood behind her, out of her line of sight and whose question pulled her from her self-reflection.  “

       Certainty fixed itself in her mind and heart, this was not a random encounter, soon to be discarded and forgotten.  Here was the embodiment of a dream she had created.  The physical manifestation of her desire and quest.  

          She knew perfectly well the identity of her questioner.   She observed him checking her out the first time they shared space in the luxurious interior of the ship the day before.    From his observation post, high on the top gallery of a gleaming polished silver staircase, to him she could have been just one in a thousand, who congregated in the reception area.    But she knew that was not the case.  The look that passed between them though it spanned three floors, told her all she needed to know.   He was the one.  The one who would share her journey.  

      Helena pivoted on her heel and caught off balance, spun herself right into his arms.  Their eyes locked. 

      “No, Captain, I would not cut off my ear for love.  However, I would not stop you cutting off yours to prove your love for me.”   

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Toseef Ahmad
Author review:
Anit, is an excellent translator. Her dedication to the author's work
is to be applauded. Her expertise and experience are supplemented
by her progessional skillls and love of international literature.
Anit communicates in a time;ly fashion and promptly delivers final
files. Her work is first class and I highly commend her to other authors.
Translation in progress. Translated by Thaís Campos
Translation in progress. Translated by Celeste Toledo

Would you like to translate this book? Make an offer to the Rights Holder!
