Dandara Morena (translator)


''Without translation, we would be living in provinces bordering on silence'' George Steiner

Dandara morena

Sono una brasiliana innamorata delle lingue e traduzione, perciò ho deciso di trasformare questa passione in lavoro. Ho appenna finito la facoltà di lettere e cerco opportunità per acquisire esperienza.

I am a brazilian in love with languages e translation, therefore I decided to make this passion my job. I recently completed my bachelor’s degree in languages at the State University of Rio de Janeiro and I am looking for opportunities to acquire experience. 


Native language: Portuguese
Translates from: English, Italian
Translates into: Portuguese

User links: LinkedIn Google+

Books fully translated by this user:

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Main translator
Author review:
Great translation, high quality, Dandara respected the deadlines and communication was easy and perfect. I recommend this translator to everyone and hope to callaborate again in the future. Thank you so much.
Main translator
