Antonio Di Grazia (author)

I work as a Banker and dream as a novelist. I'd like to translate my works in other languages to reach all the world

Antonio di grazia

Antonio Di Grazia is an italian Bank Manager born in 1968 with a passion for writing. In 1992 he began writing the first draft of "Davanti ad un mare infinito" (In front of an endless sea). In 2004 he published for the "Edizioni Akkuaria" his novel "Davanti ad un mare infinito", in the same year he wrote and published for free on the website his first short novel "Il perfetto hacker". In 2010 he completes the writing of some short stories, in part already published on his personal website, and prepares the publication of his second work: a collection of short stories: "Serendipity" which will be published in its final edition in July 2015 sel-published through
In 2014 he began to approach the theater. He performed "Cavalleria Rusticana" by Verga. In 2015 the comedy "Cicaledda" freely adapted from the work of Giuseppe Macrì that went on stage at the end of 2015 and where he played the character of "Petru u babbu". In 2017 the new comedy on stage was "San Giovanni Decollato" by Nino Martoglio where he played the character of "Mastru Agustinu Miciacio" staged at the Teatro Don Bosco in Catania. 
The last project materialized is closely related to one of the strongest passions: travel. Gathering and editing a series of videos shot during the many trips abroad, on 2015 was inaugurated the new You Tube Channel called "Le Grand Tour".

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5 brevi racconti legati insieme dalla Serendipità, quel sentimento che si prova quando scopriamo qualcosa di inaspettato mentre ne stiamo cercando un'altra.
