Annie Guedes (translator)



Annie guedes

Hello, I've been a Literary and Audiovisual Translator for two years and I'm an International Relations student. I'm completely passionate about books, arts, culture and movies. Ever since I was a child, I've always been fascinated by letters, languages and the stories in the books I read, so I couldn't have pursued any other profession than that.
I love my job and dedicate myself to it more every day.

Native language: Portuguese
Translates from: English
Translates into: Portuguese

User links: LinkedIn Proz

Books fully translated by this user:

TitleTranslate intoRoleRating
Main translator
Author review:
Very good translator!
Main translator
Main translator
Author review:
Annie Guedes work is well recommended. My Portuguese friends enjoyed reading the translation. Her submissions were timely, and she was very enthusiastic for the story itself! Thank you!

Books being translated by this user:

TitleTranslate intoRole
Main translator
