Writing Habit Mastery by S.J. Scott

How to Write 2,000 Words a Day and Forever Cure Writer's Block

Writing habit mastery

LEARN: How to Forever Eliminate Writer's Block and Write THOUSANDS of Words a Day

Do you struggle to write every day? Many people dream of becoming a successful author, but can't *find* the time to write. The truth is this: Great writers don't have more time than you do. They make time to write. Not only do they make time, they also follow specific routines that help them avoid writer's block altogether.

By developing the "writing habit" you'll have the confidence to sit down in front of a computer every day, knowing the words will come.

YOUR GOAL: Write 2,000 Words a Day -- Every Day!

One of the key factors to effectively developing ANY habit is choosing a specific, measurable goal. So if you want to become a prolific writer, then you'll need to choose a specific word count for each day. While I *suggest* 2,000 words as a goal, you can pick any number that fits in with your busy schedule. You might choose 500 or 1,000 words a day. Or, you might have more time than I do (or write faster than I do) and choose to write 3,000 or 10,000 words each day. The important thing is to establish a daily word count goal and then stick to it.

In "Writing Habit Mastery" you'll learn how to incorporate writing into your daily routine. What you'll get is a strategy and list of tools that will help you develop a sustainable writing habit and demolish writer's block.

"Writing Habit Mastery" contains a step-by-step blueprint of habits and routines you can use to develop this routine.

Inside this guide you'll learn how to:

**Establish the PERFECT writing routine and environment
**Find the time to write--even if you have a full-time job
**Minimize distractions and interruptions
**Crank out PUBLISHED works on a consistent basis
**Create an energized state where you're ready to write
**Make money from your completed books or screenplays
**Follow a simple seven-step process that prevents writer's block

You can write thousands of words every day. All you need is a strategy to develop this habit.

Genre: EDUCATION / General

Secondary Genre: BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / General

Language: English


Word Count: 16,000

Sales info:

Writing Habit Mastery was one of the first books written in my catalog, first coming out over 9 months ago.  Since then it has gotten as high as the top 100 Kindle eBooks sales, and even now months after it's release still has a steady stream of 250-300 book sales every month.

Many people enjoy the plain writing on how to develop a strong writing habit.  It has been met with 90 favorable reviews and has been well regarded by many.

Sample text:

Have you always wanted to write a novel, but never seem able to get past the first few chapters? Do you have an eBook rattling around in your brain, but just can’t get it down on paper? Do you get stuck with writer’s block when you finally do sit down in front of the computer?

This book will teach you how to:

** Learn specific routines that will help you develop a long-term writing habit.

** Overcome writer’s block so you will know what you want to write every single time you settle in to write.

** Write fast by following a specific process for creating content.

It’s frustrating to have an idea for a great book but never seem to be able to find time to actually write it.

I also know you’re busy. You’ve got a zillion things running through your head. Work, kids, relationships, home projects—it seems like there’s never a perfect time to write your book or screenplay. Even when you do sit down to work on your writing project, you’ve let so much time lapse in between that you’ve forgotten what you’ve completed and what needs to be done next.

The truth is this: Successful writers don’t have more time than you do.

They make time to write.

Not only do they make time, but they have also figured out writing routines that help them avoid writer’s block altogether.

This book is designed to help you figure out how to do exactly that, while working with your schedule and constraints.

What you need are tools that will help you develop a sustainable writing habit and demolish writer’s block. It took me a great deal of time, research, and perfecting of the process to develop a writing habit that works every day.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Natalia Steckel

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