Why Isn't My Child Talking? by Lisa Chen

The story of one mother's journey to communicate with her child.

Why isn't my child talking?

All kids develop differently and at their own pace. But what if the child is two or three and not saying words? What if everyone said not to worry…that the kid would talk when they were ready?

Lisa Chen went through this exact issue with her daughter. In light of everyone telling her differently, she followed the advice of a professional and got her daughter the help she needed.

Lisa’s wish now is to let parents and families who may have the same issue that her daughter did find out about help early and thus help more children.

However, not every child will have the same symptoms or results that Lisa’s daughter had. Lisa wrote this book for information purposes only. Please obtain medical and professional assistance for opinions on the health and well-being of your loved ones.

Genre: FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Children with Special Needs

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / Hearing & Speech

Language: English

Keywords: Hearing, speech delay, child hearing problems

Word Count: 10,000

Sales info:

Sales are moderate. Really would like to be able to help more kids and their families with this knowledge.

Sample text:

My daughter's birth went amazingly well. No complications, other than a long labor, and my husband and I smiled down at our brand new daughter. After birth, she was checked out and given an infant hearing test. Little Lily passed all her tests with flying colors. “She's got a strong suction,” our midwife said, removing her finger from our daughter’s mouth.
      Later, we discovered her strong suction left me bleeding when I tried to nurse her. At one-month-old, Lily had to get her upper lip tie cut and a tongue tie clipped. The tongue-tie was connected to the mandible and would not stretch, according to the lactation consultant. Despite doing exercises after Lily’s first tongue clipping, we had to go a week and a half later for a second cutting.
      Note: Breastfeeding isn't supposed to hurt—so if it does—please seek a professional lactation consultant.
      With Lily’s second clip, we were set. I had my daughter and her older brother, Matthew. We were a family and everything was perfect. But I had no idea how bad things were going to get.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Nikoleta Ntagka and Stefanos Karampalis
Author review:
Nikoleta went above and beyond to make sure the translation was not only accurate, but relatable to the Greek audience in some instances where word-to-work translation wouldn't have carried the same weight. For example, the speech confusion in English of lamb and lamp wouldn't be the same and she found relative Greek similarities of speech words that would fit in the context.
Already translated. Translated by Sabrina Antonioli
Already translated. Translated by Ana Paula Mendes do Nascimento
Already translated. Translated by Facundo Agüero

Would you like to translate this book? Make an offer to the Rights Holder!
