In the Enclave of Thrudore, lives a community of elves. Their lives are happy and carefree until they have complaints of missing elf children.
Selli, a seeker in the community is asked by the High Elf to search for a reason why they are missing.
She gets more than she bargained for and gets entangled in elf experiments brought on by humans being allowed in the enclave! something which is forbidden in their world.
With the aid of Samara Natanus and a few orphans that had been found in an old warehouse, they go in search of the missing...
To be confronted by the whispers of the gone...
Selli must use all her wits and wisdom to fight an evil force that surrounds and infiltrates their very existence.
Newly published last year, good ebook sales
Selli was exhausted after a day of training with her father, but that wasn’t why she had put herself to bed so early – she could hear it louder than ever this evening, the piercing wail in her brain, as if a creature from the depths of Nepolite had crept in there and was determined to torture her.
She hadn’t even been to Nepolite before, but she had heard the stories of this dangerous Enclave. There were more creatures than Nepolites there – flying, shuffling, whizzing, oozing. Angry beasts with teeth like broken glass, winged, disease-carrying dots that could end a life in a second, and everything in between: spooks, limbos, dragons. The place was riddled, and only a death wish would take a sensible Thrudorian through its gates.
Language | Status |
Translation in progress.
Translated by Greta Oprandi
Already translated.
Translated by Valentina Impellizzeri
Author review: Wonderfully translated and in a timely manner. . Great communication. Would recommend. |
Already translated.
Translated by Rebeca Rodrigues Vargas e Souza
Author review: Really good translation and communication throughout. |
Translation in progress.
Translated by Valentina Vargas