Two Worlds represents an attempt to overcome the boundaries between science fiction and fantasy.
The story is set in a remote future, on an Earth very different from today: the Chimeric development has taken human evolution on strage paths, paths that have led to the advent of other races; hybrid species that possess in their modified DNA genes coming from birds and fishes.
The presence of a mysterious Tower of Seeds - a long forgotten place - will rekindle in some people new hopes and the desire, perhaps utopian, to restore the ancient environmental balance with planet Earth.
Francesco Verso personal Awards:
2004 - Finalist at Urania Mondadori Award with Antidoti Umani
2009 - Winner of Urania Mondadori Award with e-Doll
2013 - Winner of Odyssey Award by Delos Books with Livido
2013 - Special Recommendation at Robot Award for Il Livello dell'Assassino
2014 - Winner of Cassiopea Award for Livido
2014 - Winner of Premio Italia 2014 for best SF novel with Livido
Some of his stories appeared on magazines such as International Speculative Fiction #5, Robot & iComics.
The story was originally written in Italian. It sold around 800 copies and was on Top of ebook sales in Fantasy & SF genre for two months in 2012. Now I have the story translated in English by Sally McCorry and would like to propose it in other markets as well.
The story has been translated in Romenian (, and was published on the International Speculative Fiction Magazin nr.5 (
From the repaired chronicles of Kilimanjaro.
Aruna turned to say good-bye to her parents, opened her arms and lifted them to free the plumage. She stretched out her neck, breathed in deeply, and let her calves lift her. Her torso was exceptionally ample, well suited to supporting her for a long time.
She was about to take-off for the Flight from the shelter of the Solar Tree, three metres outside the Shining Corolla. In a line behind her were the faces of many friends, tense, nervous, and distressingly thin.
The song of the Aeromancers, arranged in a semicircle for the Ceremony of the Flight, could be so hypnotic as to make you believe anything.
The horizon that called her to maturity flattened into an opaque strip, infested with clouds of ammonia. Below her a 15,000 metre drop plunged down to the static mass of the Global Ocean.
Language | Status |
Already translated.
Already translated.
Translated by Rubia Fernandes
Author review: Excellent work and perfect deadline. |
Already translated.
Already translated.
Translated by Lorenzo Bermejo Thomas
Author review: Lorenzo worked smoothly on the transaltion of my short story "Two Worlds": he started from the English text and then used also the original Italian story to make a very good Spanish translation. I hope to work with him again. Francesco Verso |