Learning time-saving strategies you can implement right now o Anticipating time-wasting situations o Identifying causes of procrastination o Turning frustration into confidence o Training others to perform efficiently o Delegating tasks effectively o Heightening your effectiveness as a manager o Increasing your visibility within the organization
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Remove all of the distractions. Depending on what you are doing and where you are doing it, you will have to deal with distractions. So, let’s just talk about what I had to do. As I have told you I work from home, what I did not tell you is that I have three children and two dogs. My children are home schooled so they are always with me and of course the dogs are always here. The way I dealt with this was I took a spare room and made it into my office. When the children are working on chores or assignments, I am able to work undistracted unless a dog wanders into my office needing to go outside. This is a very important time for me and I had to learn how to make the best of it, but I didn’t do that right away.
Language | Status |
Translation in progress.
Translated by Joyce Destri
Already translated.
Translated by Marta Fontes von Wichmann