The Soul Advocate by Charity Oka

The Soul Healing Journal

This book will help you find balance in life

The soul advocateThis is a soul therapy book you will need to help you find balance in life. My desire to help people find balance in life makes me want to write if only they can read it. There's profound knowledge, information and ideas to help us heal the wounds inflicted by this broken society. We are determined to let people understand ways in which they can unfold their purpose, deliver their destinies and attain their highest potential by debunking the belief that happiness comes with wealthiness as we offer true and ideal secrets to finding happiness and evolving the self. This book will speak straight to your soul and you will never be the same again. There are not many books online that provide the right soul food for you. This book does that very well. I want to read this book today.
Genre: BODY, MIND & SPIRIT / General

Secondary Genre: BODY, MIND & SPIRIT / Dreams

Language: English

Keywords: Heal my soul, soul healing book, how to think positively, stop negative thought, meditation books, soul therapy book, bible meditation

Word Count: 35375

Sales info:
Amazon sales ranking 4321750
Sample text:
We exist generally in a world that is boundary oriented and we have been trained to hold those boundaries in high regard and diligently value and consider them because we believe they are ideal and create better relationships and deeper connections between us. This boundary setting also extends to cultures, religions, and families. Our cultures and families are explicit about these boundaries and prevent people from acting and having boundaries, beliefs,,,,, and opinions of their own. And when society and parents execute their boundaries, they have high expectations of us not to cross them, but our individual boundaries are often pushed back against us for the world's control to remain enforced. When we are surrounded by something every day, we get accustomed to it to the point where we don't even question it. Only to realize that the boundaries are not what they told us they were; rather they are a bundle of unhealthy control to prevent us from accessing the truth. The

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Laetitia Rein
Author review:
Good job
Already translated. Translated by Sahib ..
Author review:
The translator did a good job. Highly recommended.
Already translated. Translated by Saulo Augusto da Silva Sullentrop
Already translated. Translated by Gleni Mendoza

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